Supporting Our Communities Through        
Time, Talent and Treasure

Dylan Sidoo, Jordan Sidoo, David and Manjy Sidoo Spread Warmth this Christmas

On December 15th, 2012, David and Manjy Sidoo and their two sons joined volunteers and members of the Association of South Asian Professionals (ASAP) in a Blanket Drive near Oppenheimer Park in the Downtown Eastside. The Sidoos and David Gadhia and family donated 300 blankets to the cause and were on hand to distribute them to those in need on that cold and rainy Vancouver day.

The Sidoo Family Giving manifesto is “Supporting our communities through time, talent and treasure.” With the line up of recipients stretching for blocks, the Sidoos and other ASAP volunteers saw clearly how much of an impact the Blanket Drive made on the lives of many in their community. “When you see such poverty you have to do something. After we’d handed out all the blankets and stuff we later saw a few guys sitting on a bench wrapped up in them and I told Jordan ‘take a look, that’s why we have to help,’” said David Sidoo.

Read more:

Read more about ASAP and the day’s event here and here.

David Sidoo

The Sidoo Family and members of the Association of South Asian Professionals (ASAP) handing out blankets.

May this season find you wrapped in the warmth and love of those in your community!

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